It may be helpful to discuss with clients something that we should always be
doing when developing Flash web apps anyway; alternative content.  And I
mean giving the non-Flash user something more than just a link to download
the Flash plugin.

To respond to client concerns and provide a great user experience I think
we'll be devoting more time and budget to building a non-Flash alternative,
using whatever technology is appropriate, that provides a similar user
experience to what we build in the Flash.  Which of course will raise the
question, "Why create a Flash version in the first place?"  I think the
answer to that will continue to be the reasons we've been using it all

- gorgeous timeline based and programatic animation
- video & audio, these won't be going away just because you can do it
another way.. and when you can integrate video & audio with Flash's other
capabilities, there's nothing else that can compete right now
- a rich API that provides powerful integration with the web and desktop,
which also makes it adaptable to whatever need the client wakes up with
- you can create a seamless exerience regardless of your target software and
hardware platform (except for a few *ahem* exceptions).
- a massive user share that I expect will continue to grow when v10.1 drops
- a similarly massive developer base, including many open-source projects
providing even more depth to the API
- integration with Adobe's other products, and I don't believe that any of
those will be dropping out of the market any time soon.

In short, I think that developing richer alternate content (black & white)
could be that little bit of shugar that helps a fearful client swallow the
big Flash pill (kodachrome). :)

(ps:  Yes, I know I spell 'shugar' incorrectly.)

Andrew Murphy
Interactive Media Developer

370 King Street West, 5th Floor, Box 4 
Toronto Canada M5V 1J9
P (416) 364-1455 ext. 232
F (416) 364-9830  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of artur
> Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:55 AM
> To: flashcoders
> Subject: [Flashcoders] and now..CLIENT now hates Flash
> from my client ( an established design agency in NYC ):
>     artur,
>     I've been doing a lot of research and polling of colleagues.
>     *Here's my takeaway:*
>     - no one knows what's going on
>     - flash developers I've spoken to all are saying it's no big deal,
>     proceed with flash
>     - all designers are making an abrupt shift away from 
> flash, steering
>     their clients as a result
>     - clients are questioning flash even without prompting
>     - media has called for the death of it
>     I think the answer is that Flash will need to change 
> ASAP, or else I
>     can't recommend it without looking like an ignoramus to clients.
>     That sucks, because I love Flash, but it's not where the 
> momentum is
>     moving.
>     People still look at it as non SEO friendly.
> they now want to do all future sites in html/css/jquery - 
> powered by WPress or Joomla/Drupal.
> any articles , facts, that i can point them to that may 
> change their minds?
> thanks
> artur
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