maybe add the "new" word in. the below doesn't trace any errors for me. but 
i've never used XMLList before.
var myList:XMLList = new XMLList(<xml><node val='1' /><node val='2' /></xml>);

> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 15:37:19 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Creating a XMLList in the source code
> Sorry for one more probably basic XML question,
> but how do you create an XMLList object? I've tried:
> var list:XMLList =
> <user pos="0" money="123" changed="2" pool="10.20.30" whist1="10.20"
> whist2="100" />
> <user pos="2" money="-123" changed="4" mount="1.2.3"
> whist1="" whist2="100" />
> ;
> var list:XMLList = XMLList(
> <user pos="0" money="123" changed="2" pool="10.20.30" whist1="10.20"
> whist2="100" />
> <user pos="2" money="-123" changed="4" mount="1.2.3"
> whist1="" whist2="100" />
> );
> var list:XMLList = XMLList('
> <user pos="0" money="123" changed="2" pool="10.20.30" whist1="10.20"
> whist2="100" />
> <user pos="2" money="-123" changed="4" mount="1.2.3"
> whist1="" whist2="100" />
> ');
> These all return errors, like for the 2nd one:
> 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before pos.
> Regards
> Alex
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