Hi Glen,
I don't think it's possible to embed a range of characters through AS3.
It's all or nothing I'm afraid/
Willem van den Goorbergh

On 10-feb-2010, at 17:52, Glen Pike wrote:


I am working on some runtime font embedding with Flash CS3 by loading in a SWF at runtime with font symbols defined in library, exported for Actionscript, but not for sharing.

I wish to use Arabic and Chinese characters in my fonts, so I have symbols for Arial and MingLiU Bold fonts.

The problem I am having is that the Arabic / Chinese characters do not seem to be included in the Font Symbol / SWF. I have tried putting a text field on stage and embedding the character ranges for each symbol, but still no luck. In my "Loader", I am loading the fonts, then some XML and using Font.hasGlyphs(string) to see if my Chinese / Arabic / other characters can be rendered with any of my loaded fonts, then defaulting to system fonts if they are not.

I can get that far, but I would really like to embed / anti- alias the fonts better, etc.

So, is it possible to ensure that the CS3 IDE embeds a range of characters, or would I have to do the fonts using Flex / Flash Develop and [Embed] with unicode ranges to create my font swfs?

   Thanks in advance.
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