I think the statement was justified... this is Flashcoders. I just wanted to state that developing UIs like that isn't limited to Flash, that's all. :)

After doing more research, it's entirely possible that this is running on an iPad. We just can't tell from the video if that really is, in fact, the case. Whether or not it's an iPad though doesn't mean much in the context of the coolness of the application itself.

I think any technology could be used to develop an application like this - from WPF/SL, Flash to more complex environments using Cocoa, openFrameworks and VVVV.

That last comment though – whether or not it makes sense – is probably the largest unknown. I can see many reasons why choosing Cocoa would be better than choosing Flash, in the case of iPhone development. Or, in the case of a windows platform target, I can see reasons why WPF/SL or Surface would be chosen.

I think we're all past the question of 'what framework/kit/language can we do that in?' If given the time, we can do pretty much anything in any language.

I like to think that these days, it's the hardware that limits us.

- j

On Feb 16, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Ktu wrote:

My mistake for saying such a strong statement. Of course there are other frameworks available to do the same thing. Glad its not actually an iPad.

I think I'm just glad to see Flash being used for more than just flashy websites and games. Flash can do a lot more than I see it get credit for on a day to day basis. (And I know flash is used for more than just websites.
I've developed quite a few things outside the website realm)

I would like to see it in my hands to evaluate the usability. In theory it could be brilliant but yes, people will have to warm up to it, and it will
have to be standardized.

Strictly out of curiosity Jon, would anyone actually choose a different
framework to develop this type of application? Does it make sense
considering development life cycle and platform availability?


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