Benny wrote:
> @valentin: Air 2 is able to call commandline tools just fine.

thanks for sharing! but of course I was talking about calling a command
line tool *and* returning the STDOUT/STDERR result to the main app. can
AIR 2 do this? do you maybe have any links/documentation for this
feature? it would be really interesting to know it this is finally
possible in Air 2.

I think I also heard rumours that in Air 2 it's possible to embed the
runtime into your app, so no prior runtime installation is required, is
that correct?

this would be a crucial feature for me, as with Air 1.x you can't create
standalone desktop apps (like a flash, director or haxe/neko projector
would be), but your result depends on a runtime that first needs to be
installed. therefor for my desktop app projects AIR was never really an
option, since I usually want "real" standalone apps.


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