I don't think a class can have children, only instances of classes can. (skating on thin ice now ;-)) Also I don't know by heart all the error codes. So please, if you refer to an error code give the full text.

I bet your trace resulted in something like [object, MyClass], litteraly meaning that the parent is an object and an instance of MyClass.
Somewhere you have created that instance with myVar = new MyClass();
so the parent is accessible through myVar.

Also: somewhere you have added my_obj to myVar with myVar.addChild (my_obj)
Remove it with myVar.removeChild(my_obj)
If you did just 'addChild(my_obj)' (that is within myVar) you can say 'removeChild(my_obj)' (of course also within myVar)

On 24-feb-2010, at 15:24, Susan Day wrote:

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Geografiek <geograf...@geografiek.nl>wrote:

You could at least give a hint as to what _does_ work:

Thanks. That traced out the name of the class/*.as file, but when I put that
value in, as in:


it throws an error (1061). What do?

With respect to Moock, yeah, got it, and it's the only reason I still
haven't pulled out all the hair in my head. Maybe get the cookbook too.
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