Hello Glen,

works fine for me:

[SWF] C:\FDT\AS\Tests\Main.swf - 2 947 bytes after decompression
[object Main] loading persisted value
[object Main] loaded value is 123
[object Main] saving value 123
result true

2010/3/1 Glen Pike <g...@engineeredarts.co.uk>:
> Hi Guys,
>   I am having a problem using SharedObjects on Gentoo - kernel 2.6.29 that
> does not seem to appear in 2.6.30, but I want to make sure it is not because
> of some setting on my machine.
>   We run FlashPlayer from the command line, but still seem to be governed by
> the FlashPlayer settings, which have been "applied" using the browser and
> the "Settings Panel SWF".
>   Problem is the following code in testPersistence() seems to kill the
> FlashPlayer with a segfault in one of the libc libraries on my machine.
>  Because we are using cloned disks, I am a bit wary that the settings for FP
> may be screwed, or a permissions error may be occurring.
>   I just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this at all - I have googled
> and jira'd but no luck at the moment.
>   Cheers
>   Glen
> public class Persistence {
>       protected static var _instance:Persistence;
>             public function Persistence() {
>           if (null != _instance) {
>               throw Error("Cannot have more than one instance of
> Persistence");
>           }
>           _instance = this;
>       }
>             public static function getInstance():Persistence {
>           if (null == _instance) {
>               _instance = new Persistence( );
>           }
>           return _instance;
>       }
>       public static function saveValue(name:String, value:*):Boolean {
>           var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("interface_app");
>                     if (null == so) {
>               return false;
>           }
>           try {
>               so.data[name] = value;
>           }catch (e:Error) {
>               trace("Persistence::saveValue exception " + e);
>           }
>           var res:String = so.flush();
>           if (SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED == res) {
>               return true;
>           } else {
>               return false;
>           }
>       }
>             public static function loadValue(name:String):* {
>           var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("interface_app");
>           if (null == so) {
>               return null;
>           }
>           var value:*;
>           try {
>               value =  so.data[name];
>           } catch (e:Error) {
>               trace("Persistence::loadValue exception " + e);
>           }
>           if (undefined == value) {
>               value = null;
>           }
>           return value;
>       }
>   }
> }
> function testPersistence():void {
>   try {
>               trace(this, "loading persisted value");
>               var testing:Object = Persistence.loadValue("testing");
>               trace(this, "loaded value is " + testing);
>               trace(this, "saving value 123");
>               //The following line triggers a SEGFAULT
>               var result:Boolean = Persistence.saveValue("testing", "123");
>               trace("result " + result);
>           } catch (e:Error) {
>               trace("there was an error " + e);
>           }
> }
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