Steven Sacks wrote:

> Don't confuse the word "rendered" with the word "processed".  Rendering is
> the act of drawing pixels on the stage.  Invisible DisplayObjects are not
> rendered (though alpha 0 ones are) during the render phase, but they are
> processed.
> If you have 1000 invisible sprites on the stage that aren't running code,
> Flash still has to keep them in memory and process them in the display
> stack, it just doesn't have to render them.

Ok, I'm a little confused here. The way I understand it is that
sprites with any alpha, even 0, will be rendered. Sprites with
_visible == false are not rendered. Correct so far?

As far as processing (aside from rendering), any jpg or other
compressed format has to be processed--it has to be decompressed
before it can be rendered. Is an invisible (_visible == false) sprite
decompressed? Or is the Flash engine smart enough to look at the
_visible flag, and skip the decompression?

You could have a movie clip sprite with a dozen jpegs in it, or more.
I hope that Flash doesn't decompress them all if the movie clip is not
visible. I'm not quite sure what's going on under the hood there.


Kerry Thompson
Flashcoders mailing list

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