What Tween engine are you using? The built in Adobe Tween class?
Are your tween instances declared within a class?

I used to get a lot of issues with Tweens doing random things. I
discovered that any tween instances needed to be declared as class vars
as opposed to locally scoped.

i.e., rather than

private function moveSomething():void
        var t:Tween = new Tween(...);


private var myTween:Tween;

private function moveSomething():void
        myTween = new Tween(...);

Personally I'd ditch Tween and move to TweenLite/TweenMax.

Hope this helps.

Theodore Lehr wrote:

> I have a bar graph where the bars are tweened.... the do no alway
finish tweening... They are being drawn from the top down, so they do
not alway make it to the bottom - and sometimes they do not get drawn at
all... What could be causing this?

You have a bug in your code.

Sorry--if you want something more specific, you need to tell us more.


Kerry Thompson
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