
More of a strange encounter that I would like to share / get some input on than something I need to fix this one...

I have recently encountered an issue where I am getting null for the stage property of a Sprite subclass in it's event handler for ADDED_TO_STAGE. I have managed to work-around the problem, but have not addressed the core issue I think.

   My app has states for operation and uses an XML socket to communicate.
States are: NORMAL, ADMIN and ERROR. ERROR means the XML socket has disconnected, the other two states just have different levels of access control. Each state has a corresponding AppScreen subclass, some containing lots of the above Sprites.

I can go into my ADMIN state from the ERROR state, but when the Admin screen was added to the stage it tried to send something via the XML socket class which sent an Error event to the App and resulted in the application switchin back to the ERROR state. The Admin screen contained lots of the Sprite subclasses with the ADDED_TO_STAGE handler, but it seems that stage property of the Sprite subclass was actually null'd between the calling of the event and the accessing of the "stage" property and I end up with an exception in my Sprite subclass, e.g.

   protected function _addedToStageHandler(e:Event):void {
//This would throw an exception because the stage is null at this point?
         ///... some setup code, then:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _stageMouseUpHandler, false, 0, true);
So any ideas why this would happen? Is it because I am calling send on the socket which is an OS level thing and outside the normal Flash Player thread of execution, or am I fantasizing here? I have worked around the problem which does flag an error when commands are sent to the disconnected socket (I still catch the exception, but listen for the error in a different place).

Thanks for any insights.

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