On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:46 AM, <mark.jonk...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Every request for a file will go back to the server at some level. For
> example, despite the fact that have a file "preloaded' into cache when
> another request is made for the file it will look at the cache then send a
> request to the server to see if the file has changed or whether the file in
> cache is valid to use. If the server returns "use file from cache" then it
> will use the cached file otherwise it will load the "revised" version from
> the server.
> First questions would then be what is the header returned as part of the
> original file request. Is it no-cache or does it set a very short expiry?

I have not explicitly set any such header parameters. Here is the code for

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
window.location="preload.py?width=" + screen.width;

and here is preload.py:


import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import cgi
import sys,os

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
width = form.getfirst('width','800')

lines = '''#!/usr/bin/python

def width():
  return "%s"

if __name__ == '__main__':
''' % width
f = 'width.py'
except OSError:
f = open(f, 'w')
os.chmod('width.py', 0755)
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print '''
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "
<head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=preloader.swf" />

I supplied earlier the code that generates that swf.

Are the url's exactly identical or is there any kind of query string
> associated with the url of one request but not the other?

See above.

> This might be walking on thin ice here, but can you see the file in the
> browser's cache?

I can't figure out where Safari's cache is :( I just tried googling without
success. Lots asking the same question...

> Back in the day, when I was doing Director development, there was a period
> of time that elapsed from when "Shockwave" loaded the file and the time that
> it went into the browser's cache. The file was always available within the
> Shockwave environment but it was immediately visible in the browser's cache.
> Don't know if a similar situation arises with Flash where the content is
> loaded but hasn't yet been written into the browser's cache.
> I'd honestly start out by using something like Internet Explorer where you
> can easily browse the cached files -> blow away the cache and then load your
> swf preloader app. See if the files are in cache. If they are cool, note the
> URL associated with them. Then I'd go back and clear the cache again and
> re-run the app with the new window code in place. I'd run it through to
> completion and see if there are two copies of said image in cache one from
> the swf preloader and the other from the new window. If so it would imply
> that they must be seeing slightly different urls.

Well in that case, before I d/l Exploiter, they are indeed seeing different
urls, as you can see from the above.

> If not then I'd be looking for no cache headers. Concurrent to this I'd be
> using something like Fiddler (IE), Charles or Tamper Data or similar app
> that will allow you to see the requests and the responses and be able to
> examine the headers and check for no-cache or very short expiry on the
> headers.

Please advise me on what I've answered above if you believe that's where the
problem lies. Otherwise, I'll start experimenting with what you've
recommended here below.
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