On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:

> Well it shows that it has nothing to do with the ".html" being missing and
> nowhere have you shown where you assigned the string with ".html" added.

I believe I made it clear before that I assign the ".html" to the url. I
believe most urls end in html, py, php, asp, etc., and that most variables
with a url would be written like a url. I have mentioned previously that
this var prints out correctly in the fn in which it is defined and
incorrectly--specifying without the html--in the onClick fn. Yes, I believe
I've made this clear before. And I'm making it clear again. Why is it that
the assigning fn traces this var with the extension and that the onClick fn

> We are going around in circles.

I don't think that's my fault, sorry.
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