I guess... I just can not wrap my head around how to get a useable number to 
assist in layout... Say that I know the first member will be at the top of the 
chart... then the second - is it a sibling? i.e.

<person 1/>
<person 2/>

or is it a child?

<person 1>
     <person 2/>

then .... auhhh I don;t know.... I need to go for a run or something and clear 
my head....

From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com 
[flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of Steven Sacks 
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:03 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] xml: counting parents

Why not go from the top down instead of the bottom up?

On 3/22/2010 10:33 AM, Lehr, Theodore wrote:
> Perhaps I do have a bigger issue (actually, I have LOTS of issues ;-), but 
> the reason I need to know the depth is my thought was to use that as a means 
> of assisting in layout.... for example, say you have the follwing xml:
> <person name="Ted" title="director of the world">
>       <person name="Bob" title="deputy director of the world">
>             <person name="Jim" title="Manager - North America">
>                    <person name="Sampson" title="Lead - Western States"/>
>                    <person name="Sophia" title="Lead - Eastern States"/>
>             </person>
>             <person name="Sally" title="Manager - South America"/>
>             <person name="Sarah" title="Manager - Africa"/>
>      </person>
> </person>
> And you used this to create an organizational flow chart... my thought was to 
> use the depth to figure out where the names should go... I have thought about 
> how to do this 12,002 ways so my head is getting muddled....
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