On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Steve Mathews <happy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right tool for the job? IMO Flash has never been that great at displaying
> documents.

I've been using Flash to display document for just over a year now, I must
admit, I didn't (and still don't) think it is inappropriate.  I'm currently
working on an AIR App and I must say, development so far has been really

I use a [customized] version of swftool's pdf2swf to convert documents and
the iText Library to optimize PDF documents for online rendering.  So far so
good.  File sizes are relatively small and the experience is very fluid and
comfortable.  There are plenty of features you can add to a flash document
viewer to improve the document viewing experience.

I will agree with the statement that Flash was probably not envisioned to
display documents when it was first created, but can I ask you to
corroborate your statement above with specific issues you've encountered.

I'm more than happy to stand corrected.
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