Tha'ts a lot of code for email. Any way you can isolate the problem for us?


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 1:36 PM, John Singleton

> Full View
> Hi;
> I have the following code. When
> it runs through BigContainer the second time, for some reason my
> containers disappear and nothing shows on the screen. This happens even
> if I take out my removeChild statements, and that's what's got me
> puzzled. Ideas?
>        var start_flag:Boolean = true;
>        var start_flag2:Boolean = true;
>        function
> BigContainer()
>        {
>            if(start_flag == false)
>            {
>                start_flag2 = false;
>            }
>            if(start_flag == true)
>            {
> LoadImages();
>                start_flag = false;
>            }
>            else
>            {
>                if(i == 4)
>                {
>                    i = 1;
>                }
>                else if(i == 3)
>                {
>                    j = 1;
>                }
>                var timeline:TimelineLite =
> new TimelineLite({onComplete:LoadImages()});
> timeline.append(new TweenLite(container_left, 3, {alpha: 1}));
>            }
>        }
>        function LoadImages()
>        {
>                LoadLeft();
>        }
> function LoadLeft():void
>        {
>            if(start_flag ==
> true)
>            {
>                container_left = new Sprite();
>            } else {
> big_container.removeChild(container_left);
> container_left = container_left2;
>            }
> big_container.addChild(container_left)
>            var path:String =
> "images/left" + i + ".png";
>            var req:URLRequest = new
> URLRequest(path);
>            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
>            loader.load(req);
> loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,
> function(e:IOErrorEvent):void{ trace(e) });
> loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
> LoadLeftLoaded);
>        }
>        function
> LoadLeftLoaded(evt:Event):void
>        {
>            var
> loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
>            var
> displayObject:DisplayObject = loaderInfo.content;
> displayObject.width = 319;
>            displayObject.height = 502;
>            big_container.removeChild(container_left2);
> container_left.addChild(displayObject);
>            if(start_flag2 == true)
>            {
>                container_left.x = 1000;
>                container_left.y = 20;
>            } else {
>                container_left.x = 30;
>                container_left.y =
> 20;
>            }
>            var timeline:TimelineLite = new
> TimelineLite({onComplete:SpinLeft});
>            timeline.append(new
> TweenLite(container_left, 1, {x:30, y:20}));
>        }
>        function SpinLeft()
>        {
> big_container.addChild(container_left2)
>            var path:String = "images/left" + j + ".png";
>            var req:URLRequest = new
> URLRequest(path);
>            var loader:Loader = new Loader();
>            loader.load(req);
> loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,
> function(e:IOErrorEvent):void{ trace(e) });
> loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
> SpinLeftLoaded);
>        }
>        function
> SpinLeftLoaded(evt:Event):void
>        {
>            var
> loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
>            var
> displayObject:DisplayObject = loaderInfo.content;
> displayObject.width = 319;
>            displayObject.height = 502;
>            container_left2.addChild(displayObject);
> container_left2.x = 30;
>            container_left2.y = -482;
>            var rand:Number = new Number(randomNumber(rand_low, rand_high));
>            var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onComplete:
> CompleteLeft});
>            timeline.append(new
> TweenLite(container_left, rand/100, {alpha: 1}));
> timeline.append(new TweenLite(container_left, 1, {x:30, y:522}));
>            var timeline2:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
>            timeline2.append(new TweenLite(container_left2, rand/100,
> {alpha: 1}));
>            timeline2.append(new TweenLite(container_left2, 1, {x:30,
> y:20}));
>        }
>        function CompleteLeft()
>        {
>            left_done = true;
>            AllDone();
>        }
>        function AllDone()
>        {
>            if(right_done == true && mid_done == true &&
> left_done == true)
>            {
>                right_done =
> false;
>                mid_done = false;
>                left_done = false;
>                i += 1;
>                j += 1;
>                BigContainer()
>            }
>        }
> TIA,
> John
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