hey guys

hopefully this is just a quickie for the right guy - i am using
the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component to provide subtitles for my video but
i'd like it to fade in / out.

i've tried using the CaptionChangeEvent .added accessor but unfortunately
that is fired when the component removes the text from the field so i can't
then fade it out (!)

is there something else i could be doing ?

here is a snippet of the relevant code:


public class VideoPlayerView extends VBComponentView
private var _video : FLVPlayback;
private var _captions : FLVPlaybackCaptioning;
private var _tfCaptions : TextField;

private function initVideo():void
_mcVideoShell = new mcVideoShell();
 _video = _mcVideoShell.getChildByName("video") as FLVPlayback;


private function initCaptions():void
_tfCaptions = new HTMLTextField(model.css);
 _captions = new FLVPlaybackCaptioning();
_captions.flvPlayback = _video;
_captions.autoLayout = false;
_captions.captionTarget = _tfCaptions;
 private function handleCaptionChange(e:CaptionChangeEvent):void
Debug.log(">> "+ (e.target.captionTarget as TextField).text);
Debug.log(">> "+ (e.added); // true or false
 if (e.added)
Tweener.addTween(_tfCaptions, { alpha:1, time:1 } ); // working fine
Tweener.addTween(_tfCaptions, { alpha:0, time:1 } ); // never happens
because text is already removed from _tfCaptions



is there a way of turning off the default CaptionChangeEvent and go directly
to the cuePoints? or is there a way of stopping the CaptionChangeEvent
removing the text from the textfield?

hope you can help

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