In the end though, aren't you really checking each answer not against
the abbreviation but against a correct answer, eg if the abbreviation


and the correct answer is


and the user writes


as their answer, that would be incorrect. But if you compared "sec" to
"section", you will still get a match on the letters for "sec/sec". So
wouldnt you still need to tie the correct answer to the abbreviation,
and compare the users response to that, in other words skip over the
abbreviation and compare the answer to the correct word that's tied to
the abbreviation?

I'm probably completely misunderstanding what you're trying to do :)



On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Cor <> wrote:
> I can't publish the actual strings, because they contain military issues.
> So I will have to create some fake strings.
> But mainly every full text (our max is 800 characters) can be used and every
> abbreviation can be 'fake', like the this:
> Full:
> These words are the text at its full length. I will write a second sentence
> here!
> Short:
> These wrds are txt at its f len. I will wr a sec sent here!
> One thing to know is that in military abbreviation, we do not use dots like
> in normal writing.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matt S.
> Sent: donderdag 22 juli 2010 15:16
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] How to handle String the best way
> Can you give us two actual String samples, of text A and text B, that
> you're trying to compare?
> .m
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Cor <> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I am trying to find how to best compare 2 strings(word by word).
>> I have 2 texts, one fully written and one abbreviated.
>> The texts have exactly the same amount of words and they are in the same
>> order.
>> So in the text field one word is highlighted.
>> The user has to fill in the abbreviation of the text(word by word).
>> The user fills in his "translation" and ENTERS to confirm.
>> And then the app has to compare the words.
>> He can choose to practice from abbreviation to fully written words or vice
>> versa.
>> So what is the best way to do this, keeping in mind that special
> characters
>> (like .,:;! space) must not be judged.
>> Any idea is welcome.
>> TIA
>> Cor
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