If you're a Club GreenSock member, the transformAroundPoint can make this
pretty simple to integrate into a tween. For example:

var center:Point = new Point(275, 200);
TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {transformAroundPoint:{point:center, scaleX:3,

That would scale mc's scaleX/scaleY to 3 and use the "center" point as
though it's where your object's registration point is. You can affect
rotation too if you want. There's an interactive example of
transformAroundPoint in the Plugin Explorer at http://www.TweenLite.com

Alternatively, you could wrap your object in a Sprite and offset its
position internally so that the Sprite's registration point is where things
should scale from on your image, and then tween the scaleX/scaleY of the
Sprite. Or do the math to figure out where your image's registration point
would end up after scaling it from wherever the focal point is and tween the
x/y/scaleX/scaleY together. 

Or use the camera suggestions others have offered. 

Sorry, hope that didn't overwhelm you with options :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Lehr, Theodore [mailto:ted_l...@federal.dell.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 11:14 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] Zooming

Is there anyway to zoom into a mc and make sure a certain point on an object
(just an image converted to a mc in this instance) is always in the center?

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