Flash Player 8 supports only AVM1 bytecode (compiled from Actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 - and haXe).

Flash Player 9+ supports AVM1 and AVM2. Actionscript 3.0 gets compile into AVM2 bytecode (and haXe).

There is no way to use Actionscript 3.0 with Flash Player 8 and lower.

Even if you use haXe, the display list API is different when targeting Flash 9+ vs. Flash 8- so even haXe isn't completely compatible.

On alternative platforms - AS3 (AVM2) is available on more platforms than it used to be, even being supported in some versions of Flash Lite, but AS2/AS1 (AVM1) is still more compatible (especially with older hardware/platforms).

Kevin N.

On 10/18/10 7:53 AM, Beatrix Krümmer-Frau wrote:

 Hi all,

I am searching informations about using Actionscript 3 for projects, which have to run in old, old Flash Versions. I need arguments for customers who still work with Actionscript 2.
Any suggestions are welcome, will do a paper on this issue.

Thanks in advance

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