> Every time I do a big search I seem to get a LOT of as2 links and when I add
> as3 into the search terms I keep getting links to either a page offering up
> a bunch of generic documentation pages (ie not direct links to the class I'm
> looking for) or I get class documentation pages that are only half full.
> Seriously do a search on the livedocs site for the  flvplayback class, its
> shocking especially in light of the fact that there is no longer any local
> docs installed with the software any more

I use Livedocs quite a bit - mostly for ColdFusion - and if you do
searches directly from Google you tend to get older Livedocs content
just because it's been around longer. For example, if I just type a
CFML tag into a Google search, the first Livedocs hit will likely be
for CF 7 or even 6 - the current version is 9.

And this isn't just an issue with Adobe's documentation. I see it all
the time with other documentation - even Google's own documentation. I
do a lot of work with the Google Search Appliance, and my first
documentation hit for a search on that typically goes to a pretty old
version of the appliance.

Fortunately, a little Google-fu goes a long way here. You can use
helpful search operators to help filter your search to newer document
sets. For example, with CF, I can add this to my search:


And of course, you can automate this pretty easily in a variety of ways.

> What is going on with this? With people (rightly or wrongly) bashing flash
> in favour of the yet untried html5 spec, adobe can ill afford this kind of
> crap support for the flash platform.

I think you're making a big leap from one thing to the other here.
Flash detractors don't care about the state of Adobe's documentation.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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