I built a simple pre-loader that loads swfs generated by Adobe Indesign CS4.

Long story short, these Indesign swfs were not clicking when clicked!

Here's my click code (the Indesign swf loads into "swfContainer" sprite):


// Setup linking with inline handler:
swfContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function():void {
        // Using class for going to URL:
        URLUtils.openWindow(pLink, pWin); //
        //navigateToURL(new URLRequest(pLink), pWin); // <-- Was not working
on Mac via Firefox 4x or Safari 5x.
}, false, 0, true);

// Mouse:
swfContainer.buttonMode = true;
swfContainer.useHandCursor = true;

// The "layer" blendMode makes the alpha fades cleaner (overlapping
objects don't add alpha levels):
swfContainer.blendMode = 'layer';
swfContainer.mouseChildren = false;


Nothing I tried worked!

I think I narrowed the problem down to the Indesign swf's document class:


(I admit that I used a decompiler to investigate.)

The above document class if FULL of AS3 bits and pieces.

I would post the code as a gist on github, but I don't want to get in
trouble for any sort of copyright or something. Anyway, there are a
few spots where the ID code sets listeners for MOUSE_UP (among many
other mouse events).

Here's the kicker:

When I deleted the document class and published the Indesign FLA and
loaded it in my loader swf... I was able to click and navigate to URL!


1. Is there any way to "turn off", replace or ignore the document
class of a loaded swf?

2. Any tips on how to trump the code from IDSWFFile.as?

3. I am wondering if I should just setup Indesign to publish as AS2
(not sure if possible)... It seems like that might be one way to trump
the loades swfs AS?

Any tips you could provide would be great!

Thanks so much.

Have a nice day!

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