Okay, just so you know what I am getting at here...

Since your only requirement was submitting it to youtube, you can record the pixels from the parent sprite or movie clip on a frame event, or when a MainGameLoop function is called by a timer, and using available libraries in as3 encode it to an flv.

If you need to do something where more need an auto submission to you tube for a ton of swf files, then you need would obviously need something more suitable; yet, I haven't ever had to do that before, so all I can suggest is that you look into the swf to avi libraries that come up on google.

On 1/16/2012 2:34 PM, Anthony Pace wrote:
I am not aware of a server side utility; however, perhaps the following link may be of some use to you?


On 1/16/2012 10:46 AM, allandt bik-elliott wrote:
hey guys

does anyone know of any server-side utility to take a flash animation (i'm
thinking something scripted with pre-canned vector animation and user
generated text-based dialogue for instance) and convert them to a video to
submit (for instance) to youtube?

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