so you are using the timeline a lot and you'd like to move to a code

i highly recommend lee brimelow's site: as a great
starting point for any research project you are thinking about. Adobe has
launched the Starling framework for creating 2d games that use the gpu for
rendering - i'm not sure if that's the direction you want to go (lee has a
couple of tutorials on this)

let us know if this is what you're looking to get into


On 30 January 2012 20:12, Terry Riney <>wrote:

> I am creating educational games. Flash Builder is my tool of choice.
> At this point in my career I am trying to stay within my knowledge base
> without too much more straying.
> The book ActionScript Game Programming is something I am familiar with. Is
> there anyone who is/has taking these games (off of the frames) into  Flash
> Builder. I am looking for any links for more info. I understand the general
> concept of swc's and have imported them from most chapters.
> While I like the code as a base and would like to finish a prototype
> before getting into any other book/library I am uncomfortable with the
> frame based examples.
> Any advice would be helpful.
> I am not doing a lot of animation just gotoandplay stuff. Maybe
> Flashbuilder/swc's/frames from ActionScript Game Programming is a bad fit,
> round peg in square hole but I would like to get a little further before
> moving to next book/library.
> Thanks,
> Terry
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