That is a great picture.

Does a controller know an instance of a model?
Orr does the model register with the controller as a subscriber for specific data changes or events?

Most of all, I wonder how all the parts gets to know each other.


On 17/02/2012 09:11, Ben Sand wrote:
maybe this will help:

the solid lines are method calls, the dashed lines are events

On 17 February 2012 18:58, Cor<>  wrote:


This is exactly what I don't understand to do in actionscript!
And that's why I think some example will visualize it to me.
So I can analyze the flow of it all.
Feel free to contact me offlist if you prefer.

Best regards,
Cor van Dooren

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of
Sent: donderdag 16 februari 2012 19:44
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] MVC style Correction

Models shouldn't have any knowledge of each other or anything outside of
themselves. The controller should usually be the first area to set up.
Everything else is set up and managed by the controller (views, models,
services). Usually, there will be one central controller that handles your
main program management. Other controllers can be set up and delegated by
the main controller, but this is not always necessary. In a well set up MVC
application, Models and Views don't talk to each other.
Rather, they let the controller carry out that communication.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] MVC style Correction
From: John McCormack<>
Date: Sat, February 18, 2012 1:22 pm
To: Flash Coders List<>

A really nice explanation.

I tried to find your EastAsMVC after being on your site, is it on the way?

Also, what comes first, ie. how do the models, controller and Views find

out about each other?

Does everything register with the (single) controller?


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