I would say an adapter class is part of the controller, and it's ok for the controller to know about the formats of both the model and the view - it's job is to translate, and facilitate model data into generic view data (and back), even if all it does is setup a delegate, like an adapter.

Many times that's honestly overkill - you might be able to get away with just taking a list of some stuff from the model, creating another list of view data, and copy the subset of data it needs (title, description, and id for one example) in a full list. It's often easier to do it this way. Other times, you might start from MVC, but your view isn't really all that generic (be careful if you find yourself here a lot, you might be spinning your wheels), so why not just pass a reference to the model, and skip all the API wrangling, adapters, etc. I consider it like optimizing my time, vs. optimizing the machine's time.

But other times, there will be too much data to copy around, or you just wouldn't want to alloc all that memory just for duplicated data, cause that's slow on some hardware (or might use up more battery life, if you want to be kind to your users). That's where adapters comes in, to basically stream and wrap a subset of the full list of model data to the view as needed through an API, rather than all at once in a giant copy.

The real problem seems to be that patterns are descriptive, more than prescriptive. So as implementations change, ideas tend to diverge, and sometimes differing patterns might even get described by other names. Maybe I've been describing MVA for example:

Use what works, and doesn't drive you mad. That's what I say. :-)

Kevin N.

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