More like a CMV

Well its bedtime for me. Looking forward to more discussions.


On Mar 6, 2012, at 4:35 AM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

I kind of like that.

I guess I am looking to the controller to do the event dispatching to the model the model to listening for the result. the view listening for changes to the model.

On Mar 6, 2012, at 4:26 AM, Cor wrote:

You could ofcourse take another approach:
In the view:
dispatchEvent(new Event(View.YOURVIEWEVENT));

and in the Contoller:

View.addEventListener(View.YOURVIEWEVENT, callback);

So there is a loose coupling as Paul wrote.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Karl
Sent: dinsdag 6 maart 2012 11:08
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] MVC style Correction

Forgive me if I am wrong, but I watched that video and it confused me. The gentleman started creating the view first then made the model and had the interaction between the two then went and created the controller and in creating the controller took away some code from the view that the model handled and gave it to the controller. He also had the view having reference
to the model and controller.

var model:Model = new Model();
var controller:Controller = new Controller(model); var view:View = new
View(model, controller);

shouldn't it be..

var controller:Controller = new Controller(); var model:Model = new
Model(controller); var view:View = new View(model);


Trying to wrap my head around this.
Thanks for this video though Cor!
It helped me see a real example so far of how to implement a MVC.


On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Cor wrote:

Thanks Paul,

In the documentation I read there is mostly the View telling the
Controller an event has taken place.
The View holds e reference of the Model and the Controller.
Look at :
ctions cript/pdfs/ora_as3_design_patterns_ch12.pdf

on page number 429 (is the 11th page of this file)

So I have create this in my Document class like this:

                        var model:Model = Model.getInstance(); //Singleton
                        var controller:Controller = new Controller(model);
                        var view:View = new View(model, controller,

To check if I understand you correctly, you would do something like

                        var model:Model = Model.getInstance(); //Singleton
                        var view:View = new View(model,  this.stage);
                        var controller:Controller = new Controller(model,

And in the view instance, instead of "my way":

                private function btn_clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {


                private function btn_clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {

                        myPublicVar = arrayButtons.indexOf(;
                        dispatchEvent(new Event(View.MY_CUSTOM_EVENT));

Ofcourse the Controller would then have a listener :
View.MY_CUSTOM_EVENT, callback_function);



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: maandag 5 maart 2012 13:31
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] MVC style Correction

On 05/03/2012 10:26, Cor wrote:

I just created my first MVC and it is still in progress...
Lots of fun!

This video helped me a lot!!!!! mvc/

Unfortuneatly the tutor mentions Controller can update View, but that
example is not included.
If anyone can give me a little example of how that is done in MVC,
don't hasitate. :-)

I don't think the controller should be updating the view. Period.
Nor do I
think that the view should be calling methods of the controller class.

One of the main benefits of MVC is separation of concerns. Views
care about controllers, controllers should care about views.

My views dispatch events about their changes and the controller
listens for
the events, not caring which view dispatched it.
The controller updates the model, and the view listens for changes
in the

There are several ways to build the MVC pattern. The video shows one
but really it shows a coupling that shouldn't be as tight as it is
and the
idea of a controller updating a view, is a no-no.

Sometimes people use a micro-mvc architecture within a view to
control it -
no problem about that, but we should keep our MVC components as
black boxes.

best regards
Cor van Dooren
The Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Karl
Sent: maandag 27 februari 2012 11:19
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] MVC style Correction

That actually makes a lot of sense to me and I haven't written one
Thanks for the break-down!
In relation to what Henrik said about using adaptors, I see the sub
controllers as the adaptors, but they are not actually adaptors, just
sub controllers with targets to the main controller.


On Feb 27, 2012, at 1:16 AM, Ross Sclafani wrote:

thanks, its just how i do MVC

it really get interesting when you follow a mitosis development
pattern... You start with one model, controller, and view, add
features to each in parallel, and as each class gets too big, you
break them out into subcontrollers, submodels, and subviews. Then
sub-sub. My projects have a triple-tree structure branching out from
the core model, controller, and view classes

finer granularity as you reach further in, and always broken into M,
V, and C:

Models contain properties only. they dispatch a CHANGE Event every
time one of their properties change,.

Views display properties of the model. they listen for the CHANGE
Event, and update their appearance with the new values stored in the
model every time it changes.

Controllers manipulate properties of the model. Whether trigger by
event handlers in the views, or internal timers or network activity,
any command that sets any value of any property of the model is
placed in a controller. Controllers might use other controllers to
trigger changes in submodels outside its subdomain

the project starts off very compact, then grows with its
functionality as required, always growing out from the center so you
never paint yourself into a corner

then later to optimize, you can get specific about which submodel a
particular view is listening to, in turn limiting the number of
change events it receives to those actually represented in the view.

all subcontrollers hold a reference to the root controller, so it is easy to target any node on the controller tree from anywhere inside
of it.

same with the model tree. some submodel properties can emit the
CHANGE Event only on a local level, and not send the event up the
hierarchy, isolating the scope of view updates

An MVC Example

FLVPlayback is an interesting MVC  component:

it holds a NetStream as a model of the video

it holds a Video as a view of the Video

It acts as controller to set the model in motion by connecting it to
a stream

the ui is also a view of the video: the percent elapsed is
represented n the scrub bar, ther is a play button while paused, a
pause button while playing, then there are the time readouts..

if the video its playing,
the user clicks pause in the view,
it tells the controller to pause the stream in the model, which
notifies the views, so the Video is paused, and  pause button
a play button.

thats how i do MVC.
data is stored in mvc.models,
data is displayed in mvc.views, and
data is manipulated in mvc.controllers.

Ross P. Sclafani
design / technology / creative
[347] 204.5714

On Feb 26, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

BTW Ross, I thought your example was great.

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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