Hello Flashrom dev team,
I am LN and I wanted to know, how to start with Easy Projects/contributions in this project . I found some (Easy Projects) on Coreboot webpage and I just wanted to know if the mentioned issues from the attached page have been resolved or if they are open for contribution? As I notice the ‘Turn variable is_laptop into an enum’ issue is open on the Coreboot page and seems to be an easy issue to resolve yet it appears to be solved on this page. I will be happy if someone can point me towards more such issues that are beginner friendly or to a developer guide to setup my workspace and read more about the project structure and source code, and I would appreciate your help 🙂.

About me,
I am Narayana from India, an undergrad Electronics student, sophomore to be exact. I have the slightest idea about Electronics and Flashrom itself but I am learning about it as I write this email. I have come across Flashrom through Gsoc page and I am looking forward to contribute to it, this is not my first opensource project-I have had the opportunity to contribute to quite a few OSS projects earlier and learnt a lot while contributing and met the friendliest of people. I can code well and learn pretty fast.

Thanking you,

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