# 22th February 2023, 21:00 - 22:00 UTC+0

Attendees: Thomas, Stefan, Prakhar, Anastasia

## Decision summary

* New flashrom home page generated with sphinx coming soon. And then
we eventually move relevant content from wiki and deprecate wiki.
Details below in notes.
* We will have two release windows per year: one in spring/autumn and
one in autumn/spring. For this year, we are trying the approach,
planned windows are end of April-May and end of September-October. The
size of a window is 3-4 weeks, during that time we have feature freeze
and only bugfixing. At the end of the window, tag the release and
create the release branch.

## Agenda

* Patches to support Power PC coming, Stefan will help with testing
* [quasisec] 
needs attention. Same for
    * It would be good to trim the tree’s verbosity down more and make
things more consistent too.
    * Seems all good, TODO Thomas will have a look and also approve.
Patches need to be rebased, hopefully for the last time.
* [quasisec] 
needs help from the community as a whole to help light get his work
merged. I did quite a bit of patch review but more help is needed.
GSoC work shouldn’t be left endlessly in review with an all or nothing
    * As of today, this is merged.
    * Announcement to the mailing list coming soon (TODO Aarya)
* [quasisec] new flashrom website, what is the timeline to get it up
and running? It has been half a year since we confirmed the objective
to do it.
    * Home page now can be generated with sphinx
    * The Plan
        * Sphinx patch needs to be merged
        * Build instructions integrated into sphinx, as a separate page
        * README context needs to be upgraded, as a landing page
        * Create CI to render sphinx to subdomain. Subdomain could be
for the first few iterations for testing. Could be new.flashrom.org
        * Switch new page to flashrom.org, old stuff goes to wiki.flashrom.org
        * Migrate pages one-by-one
        * Eventually deprecate wiki
* [aklm] let's decide when do we do 1.4? 1-2 months window maybe, some
time later this year?
    * Maybe we decide on a window for each year, and stick to that?
Two windows, even better. If necessary, point releases in between.
    * We can have two releases per year: one in spring, one in autumn.
Below is suggested plan:
        * Next window is at the end of April-May. We can tag rc1 on
17th or 24th April, and for the following 4 weeks we have feature
freeze, but actively bugfixing.
        * Every week we tag rc+1.
        * After 3-4 weeks we tag a release. At this point make a branch.
        * If something is discovered to be unfixable in this time, and
no one is interested to fix, revert it.
        * Second window could be around the end September - October
(exact dates TBD later).
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