An update:

- JSON is working, sample attached in case there are comments / wishes.

- Median (where possible) and stddev are working.

- pflag adds 160K to executable, passing for now.

- Interval restriction on non-root users works. "No can do" in Windows so far 
(uid always -1). Tried looking at well-known Windows admin SIDs but it's 
unclear I can really get that to work right on different Windows 
versions/configs so...punt for now and no restriction in Windows.

- Spent more time than I should have making different combinations of timestamp 
(none, receive, send, both, midpoint) and clock (wall, monotonic, both) modes 
working, but at least now packets can be reduced in size by sacrificing 
timestamps or clock modes for simulating VoIP codecs that have smaller 
payloads, which was one of my goals.

- Read the OWAMP RFC, mostly. Good lord. At least it gave me an idea that the 
server can (later) return received packet count and/or a bitmap of recently 
received packets for a flow so we can distinguish between upstream and 
downstream packet loss, which is not possible right now.

- Last thing to do is the handshake (saved the best for last!) Did some more 
thinking on this to make it more robust than my previous design. Maybe about a 
week to complete, we'll see, as this mixes with life stuff too...

- Stats output now in columns for easier reading:

sysadmin@luke:~ $ ./irtt -i 10ms -d 30s -l 160 a.b.c.d
IRTT to a.b.c.d (a.b.c.d:2112)

                         Min     Mean   Median      Max  Stddev
                         ---     ----   ------      ---  ------
                RTT  11.59ms  15.73ms  14.39ms  49.34ms  3.64ms
         send delay    5.9ms   9.23ms    6.8ms  43.16ms  3.48ms
      receive delay   5.42ms    6.5ms   7.59ms  17.88ms   937µs
      IPDV (jitter)   1.25µs   2.52ms   4.15ms  29.16ms  2.75ms
          send IPDV     36ns   2.41ms    595µs  28.84ms  2.69ms
       receive IPDV     60ns    734µs   3.55ms   9.57ms   914µs
     send call time   56.3µs   70.6µs             236µs  22.7µs
        timer error      4ns   11.3µs            9.59ms   187µs
  server proc. time   6.93µs   7.62µs            68.1µs  2.23µs

             duration: 30.2s (wait 148ms)
packets received/sent: 2996/2996 (0.00% loss)
  bytes received/sent: 479360/479360
    receive/send rate: 127.9 Kbps / 127.9 Kbps
          timer stats: 4/3000 (0.13%) missed, 0.11% error

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