Any solution please???

On Nov 4, 9:02 am, Anil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi umair,
>  I tried the same but its not working. When I'm trying to trace the
> bytearray its printing the same "A¿A~A¿A" for all components.
>  any suggestions pls?
> -Anil
> On Nov 3, 4:10 pm, umair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > This will work as this worked for me;
> >
> > you can create a bitmap data for a flex component using this code;
> > /*
> > flex code
> > */
> > public function export_chart() {
> >                 var ba:ByteArray = takeSnapshot(flex_chart);
> >                ba.compress();
> >                 //send this ba to server u can find more information
> > about this from the link i have given above
> > }
> > private function takeSnapshot(component):ByteArray
> > {
> >                                 var bitmapData:BitmapData = new
> > BitmapData(component.width,component.height);
> >                                 bitmapData.draw(component);
> >                                 var jpegEncoder:JPEGEncoder = new 
> > JPEGEncoder();
> >                                 var baScreenshot:ByteArray = 
> > jpegEncoder.encode(bitmapData);
> >         return baScreenshot;
> > }
> > On Oct 31, 4:42 pm, "subeesh a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have not tried this, but i hope this will work . Since flex 3 cannot
> > > write files to local file system directly, you have to pass the image
> > > as  ByteArray to server and use some server-side technology to create
> > > the image file out of the ByteArray
> > > Any DisplayObject in Flex can be Converted to Bitmap using the
> > > BitmapData class . Code would be something like this
> > > private function createBitmap(source:DisplayObject):BitmapData {
> > >                 var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(source.width,
> > > source.height);
> > >                 bmd.draw(source);
> > >                 return bmd;
> > > }
> > > Once you get the BitmapData you need to convert that into ByteArray
> > > .Code for that would be something like this
> > > private function ImgToByteArray( bmpImg : BitmapData ) : ByteArray
> > >             {
> > >                 var binaryImage : ByteArray = new ByteArray();
> > >                 var bmpWidth:Number;
> > >                 var bmpHeight:Number;
> > >                 bmpWidth = bmpImg.width;
> > >                 bmpHeight = bmpImg.height;
> > >                 for( var i:uint=0; i< bmpWidth; i++ )
> > >                 {
> > >                   for( var j:uint=0; j<bmpHeight; j++ )
> > >                   {
> > >                     binaryImage.writeUnsignedInt( bmpImg.getPixel( i, j ) 
> > > );
> > >                   }
> > >                 }
> > >                 return binaryImage;
> > >             }
> > > You can send this ByteArray to some server side technology like PHP to
> > > create the image
> > > ( In Flex 4 we can directly access the local FileSystem and create
> > > files. But a stable SDK is not released yet . If you want you can give
> > > it a try with the nightly builds)
> > > Regards
> > > Subeesh
> > > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Anil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >  Any solution to this problem...
> > > >  please respond..
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Anil
> > > > On Oct 14, 7:39 pm, Anil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> Hi All,
> > > >>  Here I'm pasting my sample code to export a Pie Chart.
> > > >> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> > > >> <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the PieChart control. -->
> > > >> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > > >> xmlns:MyComps="mx.charts.*">
> > > >>     <mx:Script>
> > > >>         <![CDATA[
> > > >>         import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
> > > >>         import mx.core.UIComponent;
> > > >>         import*;
> > > >>         import mx.printing.*;
> > > >>         import*;
> > > >>         import flash.utils.Timer;
> > > >>         [Bindable]
> > > >>         private var medalsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
> > > >>             { Country: "USA", Gold: 35, Silver:39, Bronze: 29 },
> > > >>             { Country: "China", Gold: 32, Silver:17, Bronze: 14 },
> > > >>             { Country: "Russia", Gold: 27, Silver:27, Bronze: 38 } ]);
> > > >>         var request:URLRequest;
> > > >>         private function displayGold(data:Object, field:String,
> > > >> index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
> > > >>             var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
> > > >>             return data.Country + ": " + '\n' + "Total Gold: " +
> > > >> data.Gold + '\n' + temp + "%";
> > > >>         }
> > > >>         private function export_itemClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
> > > >>             var ba:ByteArray = getByteArrayData(chart);
> > > >>             trace("PieChart in ByteArray: \n" + ba);
> > > >>             request = new URLRequest("save.php");
> > > >>             request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
> > > >>             sendData();
> > > >>         }
> > > >>         private function sendData():void {
> > > >>             // code to handle the URL variable data to the server side 
> > > >> and
> > > >> helps in writing in to a file
> > > >>         }
> > > >>         private function getByteArrayData( target:UIComponent 
> > > >> ):ByteArray {
> > > >>             trace("Height: " + target.height + " Width: " + 
> > > >> target.width);
> > > >>             var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(target.height, 
> > > >> target.width);
> > > >>             bd.draw(target, new Matrix());
> > > >>             var e:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
> > > >>             return e.encode(bd);
> > > >>         }
> > > >>         ]]>
> > > >>     </mx:Script>
> > > >>     <mx:Panel id="panel1" title="Olympics 2004 Medals Tally Panel"
> > > >> height="80%" width="70%">
> > > >>         <mx:PieChart id="chart" height="50%" width="50%"
> > > >> paddingRight="5" paddingLeft="5"
> > > >>             showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{medalsAC}" >
> > > >>             <mx:series>
> > > >>                 <mx:PieSeries labelPosition="callout" field="Gold"
> > > >> labelFunction="displayGold">
> > > >>                     <mx:calloutStroke>
> > > >>                         <mx:Stroke weight="0" color="0x888888"
> > > >> alpha="1.0"/>
> > > >>                     </mx:calloutStroke>
> > > >>                     <mx:radialStroke>
> > > >>                         <mx:Stroke weight="0" color="#FFFFFF"
> > > >> alpha="0.20"/>
> > > >>                     </mx:radialStroke>
> > > >>                     <mx:stroke>
> > > >>                         <mx:Stroke color="0" alpha="0.20" weight="2"/>
> > > >>                     </mx:stroke>
> > > >>                 </mx:PieSeries>
> > > >>             </mx:series>
> > > >>         </mx:PieChart>
> > > >>         <mx:Button id="export" label="Export PieChart as Image"
> > > >> textAlign="center"
> > > >>             click="export_itemClick(event);"/>
> > > >>     </mx:Panel>
> > > >> </mx:Application>
> > > >>  Byte array conversion is not proper. I tried to trace the bytearray
> > > >> printed in to the flashlog.txt. It looks like this   "A¿A~A¿A"
> > > >>  I tried it for many types of charts etc. But what ever bytearray it
> > > >> wrote into the file is same.
> > > >> What ever data it wrote in to the file is not fine and when I tried to
> > > >> open the image ..its saying "Cant read file header" ..., "Unknown
> > > >> fileformat".
> > > >>  I am able to write some text in to file. Its working fine. but
> > > >> exporting the image is not working.
> > > >>  Can any one tell me where am I lost.
> > > >>  Help me & guide me.
> > > >> Thanks,
> > > >> Anil
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  • ... Anil
    • ... Anil
    • ... Anil
      • ... subeesh a
        • ... umair
          • ... Satish பேர கேட்டா சும்மா அதுருதில
          • ... Anil
          • ... Anil
            • ... Anil
        • ... Anil

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