Hi All,

(sorry if this message was duplicated)

Everytime vertical scrollbar appears it makes horizontal bar to appear
It's because of 16 pixels that vertical scrollbar takes.

I tried to solve it with measuredWidth()
like in the sample code below, but it doesn't sovle the problem.

This should be very common problem. Does anyone know how to solve it
in this sample?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application paddingLeft="0" paddingBottom="0" paddingRight="0"
paddingTop="0" backgroundColor="#69859B"
backgroundGradientAlphas="1.0, 1.0" historyManagementEnabled="false"
disabledOverlayAlpha="0" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*" height="100%" width="100%" >
       override public function get measuredWidth():Number
                       var out:Number = this.width;
                       if (this.verticalScrollBar){
                               out -= this.verticalScrollBar.width;
                       return out;
   <mx:VBox width="100%" id="canvasHeader"></mx:VBox>
   <mx:HBox id="spacer" paddingTop="5"/>
   <mx:VBox id="canvasMiddle" width="100%" minHeight="400"
horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" paddingBottom="10">
       <mx:HBox height="2500"/>
   <mx:Canvas id="canvasFooter" width="100%" height="60"></

Thanks a lot.

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