I have following code that updates data from a csv file created on the
server using HTTP in Flex.
The problem is that the values are not getting refreshed on the Flex
Below is the example. When I load everything is fine.

When I change the values in data/tempdata.csv file of one row as
China,30 I don't see the value of China getting updated. When I check
in Alert.show  it does receive the value from the server but somehow
it's not getting displayed on the GUI. When I click on China or
anything else it gets refreshed. Is there anything that I am missing
in the code. This is really simple code . All I want to do is update
the values from the server csv file. It should not change the
hierarchy of the user everytime the data is refreshed. Only the value
of the total should change in the below structure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";

      import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
      import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
      import mx.controls.Alert;
          import flash.utils.Timer;

      private var dpHierarchy:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection([
        { region: "USA",   total:null },
        { region: "India", total:null },
        { region: "China", total:null , children : [
             { region : 'shangai' , total : 30 }
      ]);    // this is the default order I want.

      private function initHTTPService () : void {


                var summaryDataUpdateTimer:Timer = new Timer ( 10000,0 ) ; //
update every 3 seconds from the server file
                summaryDataUpdateTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER,
summaryDataUpdateTimerLoad ) ;


                private function summaryDataUpdateTimerLoad ( event:TimerEvent 
) :
void {

                private function summaryHandler ( evt:ResultEvent ): void {

                 var dataObj:Object = new Object();
         var arr : Array = evt.result.toString().split( "\n" );

          for each ( var str : String in arr )  {
          // the data at this part is in the format India,30
                var tmpArr : Array = str.split("," ) ;
                dataObj[tmpArr[0]] = tmpArr[1];

           for ( var counter:int = 0 ; counter < dpHierarchy.length;
counter++ ) {
                if ( !(dataObj[dpHierarchy[counter]['region']] ) )
continue ;
                Alert.show ( "Region : " + dpHierarchy[counter]['region']
+ " | Total  " + dataObj[dpHierarchy[counter]['region']] ) ;
                dpHierarchy[counter]['total'] = dataObj[dpHierarchy


  <mx:HTTPService id="summaryHttpServiceId" url="../data/tempdata.csv"
result="summaryHandler(event)" resultFormat="text"
  <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG"
    width="100%" height="100%"
       <mx:HierarchicalData source="{dpHierarchy}"/>
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="region"
        <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="total"


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