
Can you plz send the format of the XML you are trying to parse?


On May 10, 9:56 pm, "kshama.pa...@gmail.com" <kshama.pa...@gmail.com>
> Hi there,
> In my application, I have TileList with a image and label in each
> tile. The image and label is retrieved from a xml file.However, when I
> run the project it fails and points to default FaultHandler function.
> On further debugging, I realized that length of XML data returned from
> HTTPService is 0. So the httpservice is unable to hit the xml
> file..right ?
> here is the code:
> <mx:Script>
>          <![CDATA[
>                 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>               import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
>                 import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
>                 [Bindable]
>                 private var itemlist :XMLList;
>                 private var itemlistcoll : XMLListCollection
>               private function xmlLoaded(evt:ResultEvent):void {
>                     itemlist = evt.result.catalog;
>                    trace( itemlist.length());
>                     }
>            ]]>
>      </mx:Script>
>     <mx:HTTPService id = "srv" url="data/catalog.xml" useProxy="false"
> result="xmlLoaded(event)"  resultFormat="e4x" />
> Can you please throw some light on what must have gone wrong.
> Also, if the  dataprovider for TileList is  srv.LastResult.catalog, it
> seems to load the label but not image ( image is replaced by a small
> cross ).
> Thanks,
> Kshama
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "kshama.pa...@gmail.com" <kshama.pa...@gmail.com>
> Date: May 10, 4:56 am
> Subject: fault event occurs on httpservice call
> To: Flex India Community
> Hello,
> In my application, I have TileList with a image and label in each
> tile. The image and label is retrieved from a xml file.
> I  use  :
>       <mx:HTTPService id = "srv" url="data/catalog.xml"
> useProxy="false" result="itemhandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x"  />
> to load the xml file.
> However, when I run the project it fails and points to default
> FaultHandler function. But, if I alter the url  or change the location
> of xml file, then too it fails, but it indicates that error is in
> itemHandler. I am unable to understand why this is happening.
> is something wrong in url . Here is rough sketch of my folder
> structure:
>  /src
>        /data
>             -catalog.xml
>       /components
>            - shop.xml
>            -itemview.xml
>      /images
>            -image1.jpg
> (Note : I have also tried using src/data/catalog.xml as url)
> I wasnt getting the error earlier, when most of object declaration was
> in the main application. I restructured my project, to  keep it more
> organized and then the error start occurring.
> Here is the code :
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="932"
> height="400"   creationComplete="srv.send()">
>         <mx:Script>
>          <![CDATA[
>                 import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
>               import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
>               [Bindable]
>                public var itemlist : XMLListCollection;
>                private function itemhandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
>                {
>                    itemlist = evt.result..item;
>                    trace(itemlist)
>                }
>          ]]>
>      </mx:Script>
>     <mx:HTTPService id = "srv" url="../data/catalog.xml"
> useProxy="false" result="itemhandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x"  />
>      <mx:Model id="catalog"   />
>    <!-- Using inline item renderer -->
>    <mx:TileList id="ItemDisplay" rowCount="3" columnCount="3"
> rowHeight="150"  columnWidth="150" dataProvider="{itemlist}"
> width="100%" height="97%" y="0" x="0"   verticalScrollPolicy="auto"
> visible="true">
>           <mx:itemRenderer>
>                 <mx:Component >
>                          <mx:VBox  width="50" height="50"
> horizontalAlign="center" clipContent="false" verticalAlign="middle" >
>                                 <mx:Image source="{'images/'+
> data.image}"  height="100" width="100" />
>                                 <mx:Label text="{data.name}"
> textDecoration="underline" fontStyle="italic" fontThickness="11"
> fontWeight="bold"/>
>                         </mx:VBox>
>                  </mx:Component>
>       </mx:itemRenderer>
>    </mx:TileList>
> </mx:Canvas>
> Please advise.
> Kshama
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