
Please try to call the following the moment you get the call back from
server after the delete operation completes.

(yourDatagrid.dataprovider as ArrayCollection).refresh();

I think this should work, and if it doesn't... can u pls share ur code


On Jun 10, 4:23 pm, adi <> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Ravi,
> My Problem Scenario:
> 1) I have a dataGrid column that has an inline component as Check box
> 2) I will Click on the check boxes of multiple records and in the end
> I will clcik on the save burron that will do the soft delete operation
> for all the records for which the check boxes were selected
> 3) once the operation is over I want to show the page back and none of
> the Check boxes should be shown as selected (Because thsi may confuse
> teh user)
> Now teh issue si that I am not able to set some thing taht will make
> sure that none of the check boxes those get selected are shown
> selected.
> Aprt from this one more problem that is eating my head is , everytime
> it comes back, it shows a different check box as selected and not the
> one that I selected before hitting the save. So looks like it is
> dancing :)
> Let me know how to refresh teh data provoder if any ways it is realted
> to this problem. Alos please tell me how to reload complete MXML
> everytime it comes back from the server
> Regards
> Aditya
> On Jun 10, 11:55 am, adi <> wrote:
> > Problem:
> > I have a check box being displayed as an inline component in one of
> > the columns of a datagrid.
> > I select the check box and then do the server side operations based on
> > the selected ones. Once it comes back to the Flex after pefroming the
> > operations, I want to show all check boxed as unchecked only. But it
> > doesnt.
> > I tried all events like initialize, creationComplete and selected =
> > false etc , but none of them seem to be working.
> > Need to find a way I can set all of them unchecked as soon as the
> > control comes back to flex.
> > I am not able to catch as what is the event or parameter i need to
> > work on when the control comes back to Flex.
> > Give suggestions
> > regards
> > Aditya
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