Hi ,
I have a requirment in which i need to preserve status of Advanced
DataGrid. I m using Advanced data grid to show my data .in that if i
click on any item in outer grid of advanced grid it expand the inner
grid and show data in inner grid.
I need once user logged in and if outer gid has 4 rows in which user
click on two rows and expand corresponding grid data other two r not
expanded. So once user is log out and log in again the two rows which
were exapnede should be expanded as it is other should not.SO how i
can i presrve this state. As i m planning to store expand or collpase
as(0/1) in XML on load again it will read this will do. Bu i don't
know how to catch this event and waht should i catch in event .
if anyone has any idea pls lemme know


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