
Your result handler function should be

private function resultHandler(e:ResultEvent):void{
                        if(e.result.catlog != null)
                        myAC = e.result.catalog.product as ArrayCollection;




On Jul 31, 2:14 pm, Gerald Anto Fernando <>
> Hi ravi,
> *This is my exact returning node from server*
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <catalog>
> <product timeField="09:55:33">
>   <price>1015.0</price>
>   <change>-0.42</change>
>   </product>
> <product timeField="09:57:03">
>   <price>1006.1</price>
>   <change>-1.3</change>
>   </product>
> <product timeField="09:59:03">
>   <price>1015.9</price>
>   <change>-0.33</change>
>   </product>
> <product timeField="10:01:03">
>   <price>1011.5</price>
>   <change>-0.77</change>
>   </product>
> <product timeField="10:03:33">
>   <price>1012.7</price>
>   <change>-0.65</change>
>   </product>
> </catalog>
> *if data is not available in  server it shows a page like
> *
>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>   <catalog />
> *The following  is my jsp code* i will call this page from flex http
> service.when i run this page it shows the result like
> what i have mentioned above(in case of data available)
> else
> it shows like
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>   <catalog />
> *JSP Code*
> <%...@page language="java" import="java.util.*, java.text.SimpleDateFormat,
>    connection.DBConnection, java.sql.*"%>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <catalog>
> <%
>    String currentDate, dateFrame = null, type = null, symbol = null, query =
> null;
>    String startTime = "09:54:00",endTime = "15:45:00",timeFrom = null,timeTo
> = null, dbName="intraday";
>    int typeValue = 0;
>    Connection con = null;
>    ResultSet rs = null;
>    DBConnection db = null;
>    type = request.getParameter("option");
>    symbol = request.getParameter("symbolName");
>    dateFrame = request.getParameter("dateFrame");
>    if(dateFrame == null)
>    {
>    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
>    c.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
>    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
>    currentDate = dateFormat.format(c.getTime());
>    }
>    else
>    {
>    currentDate = dateFrame;
>    }
>    currentDate +=" ";
>    timeFrom = currentDate+startTime;
>    timeTo =  currentDate+endTime;
>      if((type == null)||(type.equals("Future1")))
>    typeValue = 1;
>      else if(type.equals("Future2"))
>    typeValue = 2;
>      else
>      typeValue = 3;
>             if(symbol == null)
>          symbol = "ABAN";
>   query ="select intradate,price,change from future where type
> ="+typeValue+" and symbol='"+symbol+"'";
>          query +=" and intradate between '"+timeFrom+"' and '"+timeTo+"'";
>    if(db == null)
>    {
>    db = new DBConnection();
>    db.setProperties();
>    db.set_dbName(dbName);
>    //con = db.getServerConnection();
>    db.getServerConnection();
>    }
>    rs = db.getResultSet(query);
>    try{
>        while({
>         <product timeField="<%= rs.getTime(1)%>">
>       <price><%=rs.getDouble(2) %></price>
>       <change><%=rs.getDouble(3) %></change>
>       </product>
>         <%
>        }
>        rs = null;
>        db = null;
>        }
>    catch(Exception e){
>      out.println("could not open the Connection to Server");
>      e.printStackTrace();
>     }
> %>
> </catalog>
> hope this will help you to give me solution
> Thanks
> Gerald A
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Ravi Mishra <> wrote:
> > Gerald,
> > Can you send the snippet which is working? Because i think the format
> > of the XML you have sent is not correct. (I have removed all those
> > asterisks '*')
> > -Ravi
> > On Jul 31, 12:55 pm, Gerald Anto Fernando <>
> > wrote:
> > > Hello friend,
> > > i have tried some ways but didnt get a result
> > > my xml node is being like
> > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> > > *-*<http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#>
> > > <catalog>
> > >  *-* <http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#> <product
> > timeField
> > > ="*09:55:33*">
> > >  * * <price>*1015.0*</price>
> > >  * * <change>*-0.42*</change>
> > > * * </product>
> > >  *-* <http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#> <product
> > timeField
> > > ="*09:57:03*">
> > >  * * <price>*1006.1*</price>
> > >  * * <change>*-1.3*</change>
> > > * * </product>
> > >  *-* <http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#> <product
> > timeField
> > > ="*09:59:03*">
> > >  * * <price>*1015.9*</price>
> > >  * * <change>*-0.33*</change>
> > > * * </product>
> > >  *-* <http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#> <product
> > timeField
> > > ="*10:01:03*">
> > >  * * <price>*1011.5*</price>
> > >  * * <change>*-0.77*</change>
> > > * * </product>
> > >  *-* <http://localhost:8080/charts/pages/intraData.jsp#> <product
> > timeField
> > > ="*10:03:33*">
> > >  * * <price>*1012.7*</price>
> > >  * * <change>*-0.65*</change>
> > > * * </product>
> > > </catalog>
> > > if data is not available
> > >  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> > >  * * <catalog />
> > > could you please elobrate your code according to mine
> > > Thanks&Regards,
> > > Gerald A
> > > On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:38 PM, <
> > >> wrote:
> > > > There are multiple ways of solving this.
> > > > Simplest is to do a null check before assigning.
> > > > Even when you get a single non null ObjectProxy in your result, you
> > > > will get a coercion error while Assigning to ArrayCollection.
> > > > Do something like this
> > > > if(event.result.node is ArrayCollection)
> > > > {
> > > >    myCollection = event.result.node as ArrayCollection;
> > > > }
> > > > else
> > > > {
> > > >    myCollection = new ArrayCollection();
> > > >    myCollection.addItem(event.result.node);
> > > > }
> > > > Harish
> > > > Evangelist, Adobe India
> > > > On Jul 29, 2:55 pm, Gerald Anto <> wrote:
> > > > > Hello Frineds,
> > > > > my client page(mxml) calls one jsp that will return xml data.
> > > > > then i populate that data in chart . its working fine.
> > > > > supose there is no data from server side it shows the error like
> > > > > cannot be refferenced null object or property.
> > > > > In my result event i assign the xml node(from server) in to
> > > > > ArrayCollection and bind to the chart DataProvider
> > > > > in fault event Alert message will be shown.
> > > > > How can i solve it
> > > > > Please give me some idea
> > > > > Thanks&Regards,
> > > > > Gerald A
> > > --
> > > Thanks & Regards,
> > > A  Gerald
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> A  Gerald
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