It can be done, have two seperate bindable xmllist(or any dataprovider) and
store seperate result in that.
Use two series and work something like this....

                <mx:LineChart showDataTips="true" height="100%" width="100%"
x="0" y="0" >
                        <mx:LineSeries displayName="Graph 1"
                            yField="@value" form="curve" xField="@time"

                        <mx:LineSeries displayName="Graph 2"
                            yField="@value" form="curve" xField="@time"

This was my approach for a requirements like yours, may help u..
If any better solutions, or if found any other solution pls update this

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:14 AM, kalavati singh

> Hi,
>          As per my current requirement I wanted two Line series to be
> plotted in a Single Line Chart & the input to them is from two seperate XML
> files.Can any one let me know how that can be done .If any examples /docs
> are  already available please forward it.
> Regards
> Kalavati Singh
> >

Preetham Hegde

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

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