Hi xelf ,

Thanks for your suggestions.

For solution 1#, is there any property through which i can remove and add
the legend items? I dont't want to regenerate the series. Is it doable?

For solution 2#, i didn't use the separate legend control before , i will
try it later.

2009/9/14 xelf <samjayan...@gmail.com>

> Hi Liang,
> We can approach this problem in 2 ways.
> 1. Removing the particular series which you dont want to show from the
> dataprovider, eventually this will reflect in your legend control.
> Visibility will not reflect in legend
> 2. You can use legend as seperate component kind of stuff like
> 'Creating custom legends'
>   <mx:Legend>
>        <mx:LegendItem label="SMITH" fontWeight="bold">
>           <mx:fill>
>            <mx:SolidColor color="{smithColor}"/>
>           </mx:fill>
>           <mx:stroke>
>            <mx:Stroke color="0xCCCCCC" weight="2"/>
>           </mx:stroke>
>        </mx:LegendItem>
>        <mx:LegendItem label="DECKER" fontWeight="bold">
>           <mx:fill>
>            <mx:SolidColor color="{deckerColor}"/>
>           </mx:fill>
>           <mx:stroke>
>            <mx:Stroke color="0xCCCCCC" weight="2"/>
>           </mx:stroke>
>         </mx:LegendItem>
>     </mx:Legend>
> Please refer:
> http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=charts_types_08.html
> I hope this will help you for some extent.
> Regards,
> Sam
>  On Sep 14, 3:01 pm, Liang Ma <libra.mali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, guys
> >
> > We use linechart to display statistic infos . In oder to display multiple
> > lines we need to define a array of line series to display the lines
> > separately.
> > I have a request , if i am going to remove a line from the chart , that's
> to
> > say , i don't wanna see a certain line anymore. What will  i do for it?
> > It seems if we set the associate lineseries's visible to 'false', the
> line
> > will not be displayed in the chart. But the legend for the chart still
> > display the removed lien.
> > How can i remove the series from the legend area also?
> >
> > Your suggestion will be great helpful.
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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