Hi Vaibhav,

Sorry no use ,still not working .


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Vaibhav Seth <seth.vaibhav...@gmail.com>wrote:

> To avoid such kind of issues, better use Cairngorm.
> I doubt the problem is Binding. You have to bind data with the dataprovider
> of your component. So that, whenever your data will get populated it will be
> reflected in the component. Try using:
>                   [Bindable]private var _data:XMLList;
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Kiran Kumar Vasireddy <
> kiranv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Vaibhav and Andrea for your suggestions.
>> Andrea : You suggestion looks working , But got in one more problem .
>> Could you please help me ?
>> If I call SingletonXML.getInstance().data; It is returning Null because
>> the of getResult() is returning the data later . Since the calls are
>> asynchronous get Data() is getting called first and then getResult().
>> I checked the event data and data is there in the event .
>> I came into this problem because of "<XML source = "is crashing my IE7,
>> Otherwise I could have done it using XML tag instead HTTPService ( for local
>> data I am using HTTPService ) . Please see the code below.
>> package Components
>> {
>>     import mx.controls.Alert;
>>     import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
>>     import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
>>             public class SingletonXML
>>         {
>>               private static var _instance: SingletonXML;
>>               private var _data:XMLList;
>>               public function SingletonXML() {
>>                     if (_instance != null)
>>                           trace("Constructor shouldn't be called
>> directly... now I'll have to kill you")
>>                     _instance = this;
>>                     this.initData();
>>               }
>>               private function initData():void {
>>                     var service:HTTPService =new HTTPService();
>>                     service.url="Components/StudentData.xml";
>>                     service.resultFormat="e4x";
>>                     service.addEventListener("result", getResult);
>>                     service.send();
>>              }
>>               private function onDataLoaded():void {
>>                       //Store data
>>                       //this._data = [loaded data];
>>               }
>>               private function getResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
>>               Alert.show("this is in get result");
>>                   _data=XMLList(event.result.Country);
>>               }
>>               public static function getInstance():SingletonXML{
>>                     if (! _instance)
>>                           _instance = new SingletonXML();
>>                     return _instance;
>>               }
>>               public function get data():XMLList {
>>                   Alert.show("this is in get data");
>>                     return this._data;
>>               }
>>         }
>> }
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Andrea Giorgetta <
>> andreagiorge...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Kiran.
>>> I think you should create a "ModelLocator" singleton class, that gets and
>>> store the xml information. It would be something like this:
>>> public class MyModelLocator
>>> {
>>>       private static var _instance: MyModelLocator;
>>>       private var _data:XMLList;
>>>       public function MyModelLocator() {
>>>             if (_instance != null)
>>>                   trace("Constructor shouldn't be called directly... now
>>> I'll have to kill you")
>>>             _instance = this;
>>>             this.initData();
>>>       }
>>>       private function initData():void {
>>>              //Load data....
>>>       }
>>>       private function onDataLoaded() {
>>>               //Store data
>>>               this._data = [loaded data];
>>>       }
>>>       public static function getInstance():MyModelLocator{
>>>             if (! _instance)
>>>                   _instance = new MyModelLocator();
>>>             return _instance;
>>>       }
>>>       public function get data():XMLList {
>>>             return this._data;
>>>       }
>>> }
>>> In order to get data in each combobox, you would set
>>> dataprovider="{MyModelLocator.getInstance.data}" (if that XMLList already
>>> has the correct structure to be directly used as a dataprovider in the
>>> combobox... otherwise now is the time to change it ;) )
>>> This way:
>>>  - There's only one instance of MyModelLocator at anytime, anywhere.
>>>  - initData is called only once, so the data is retrieved only once.
>>>  - By storing the data within the singleton class, it's available to the
>>> whole application by just importing the class.
>>> Hope it solves your issue.
>>> Best regards
>>> Andrea.
>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Kiran Kumar Vasireddy <
>>> kiranv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi ,
>>>> I am calling httpservice.send() method and getting the data and
>>>> populating it in XMLList . I want this step to be done only once and want 
>>>> to
>>>> reuse the data what ever I got .
>>>> My scenario is like this
>>>> 1)Creating Custom combobox component
>>>> 2) Calling send() in the custom component and populating the combobox
>>>> I want to create around 5 instances of the above component . But what is
>>>> happening is the send() is getting called again and again . Is there any 
>>>> way
>>>> to restrict this and get the data only once and use it for my 5 instances .
>>>> The problem here is If I use http send() method when I load the application
>>>> , This works perfect . But we want that to be called only from component 
>>>> and
>>>> want to use the same component again and again.
>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>> Kiran
> --
> Thanks,
> Vaibhav Seth.
> >

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