for button there is a data property assign data to that data property
and get in your handler
btn.data = "sample"
in your handler u can get the linkurl = btn.data

u need to create a custom event and pass information over event;
hope this might help full
On Nov 16, 11:59 am, Arindam Mojumder <arindam.mojum...@gmail.com>
> Hello Guys,
> Is it possible???
> var homeLink:URLRequest = new URLRequest("home.php");
> button_mc.AddEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menuClick);
> // Need to pass linkURL parameter to this function from AddEventListner.
> function menuClick(event:MouseEvent, linkURL:URLRequest)
> {
>    navigateToURL(linkURL, "_self");
> }
> --
> *Arindam Mojumder*
> *
> *
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