Try putting quotes around the {this}  inthe brandnewas tag:
<brandnewas id="bna" bnaview="{this}" />
matt h


Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Learning to connect actionscript pages to mxml pages

I am trying to teach myself how to make an mxml page and connect it to an action script page. To do this I am trying out the simplest program possible. I will show you all the code I have  written for both files and what I did was just make a simple mxml page with no extra code and linked it to an action script page with what I believed to be the correct syntax.
Here is the mxml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" width="1738" height="1412" xmlns="*" >

<brandnewas id="bna" bnaview={this} />


Here is the .as file I am trying to link it to
// ActionScript Document
class brandnewas
    public var bnaview:Object;
    public function brandnewas()

The error message I have been getting is that an mxml tag must be embedded within an application tag to either run or debug it. I also get an error messageat the bottom for the mxml file that says in the description "Expected an attribute value[xml]"  I am confused for a few reasons one being I thought I had an application tage around the brandnewas tag, and two I amnot sure what var needs the attribute value?

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