Title: Flex memory issues.

Upon more investigation, my memory usage seems to be stemming from my higher resolution.  When I run the app in 1024*768 the memory consumption does not seem to exceed 110mb (high, but manageable for the size of this app).  When run in 1280*1024, them memory usage is increased by 50mb or so.  It looks like this is an issue with the graphics the controls are rendering.  Makes sense.  Maybe I can get some help with some good ideas on how to better manage this.  Does anyone know how to enable the Flash quality setting in Flex.  I want to try to turn the quality down to see what kind of memory results I get with that.  I remember seeing an article like this, just can’t seem to find it.  Thanks!


Dustin Mercer


From: Mercer, Dustin
Sent: Thursday, February 24,2005 4:11 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex memory issues.


I have a very large flex app I am running into some random crashes and heavy memory consumption.  Memory consumption on Standard Flash Player (not Flash Debug Player) has been reaching 150 to 170 megs.  I need to know what I can do to manage this.  I have seen some methods available to the UIObject, mainly destroyObject, and I got this to remove objects that were no longer needed, but I cannot find a good way to re-instantiate them when they are needed again.  This could be a really bad approach, but I am afraid I may be pushing some limits on Flex that is forcing me down this route.  I am open to any suggestions.  If any more information is needed, I would be happy to provide.  Thanks in advance!

Dustin Mercer

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