Thanks Matt…I really need to work on my patience factor with searching the APIs.  Sorry…such an idiotI am.


From: Matt Chotin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 10:55 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] datagrid height J


From: Robert Brueckmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 9:44 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] datagrid height


Hey guys…I am trying something and getting a strange behavior.  I get an array of objects from the database that becomes the data provider for my datagrid.  I know the length of my data provider thanks to the myDataGrid.dataProvider.length method and I figure I could multiply that number by some arbitrary number of pixels to ensure that however many items are in my data provider, that’s how many rows are visible in my datagrid on the screen…so the datagrid is never scrollable.


I’m using a method that sets thedataprovider of the datagrid, myDataGrid.dataProvider = data; and then I’m calling myDataGrid.setSize(Stage.width – 35, myDataGrid.dataProvider.length * 25);


The Stage.width – 35 compensatesfor some other things on the screen to look proportionate and the myDataGrid.dataProvider.length * 25 is just guesstimating that each row in the datagrid component is about 25 pixels high.  Well the first time I tried this, 25 was too large of a number so I adjusted it to 22, which seemed to work but still left me with a little extra bit of a final row visible.  Well that was livable.  Then I get a result set back that only had 2 items in it, instead of the 5 I had been testing this whole thing with and now only one row was visble and you have to scroll down to see the second row, so I increased the 22 to 30 and that fixed it for that but now if I call the original result set with the 5 items, I can see a row and a half extra blank rows.  Is there a better way to dynamically show the number of rows based on the number of items in the data provider?  I wish there was a size attribute like there is with the HTML select list component where if it’s a list you can say I want x-number of rows visible.  I just don’t ever want the user to have to scroll within the datagrid…is there an easier way to do this?




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