dunwerkin wrote:
Can anyone point me towards an example integrating Flex with Python? I
have existing Python classes, etc that I hope to reuse so that I can
feed in a data structure coming from a Flex front end and get back a
new data structure to send to Flex for visualization. I'm not sure if
I need to dive into learning how Jython works, or if there is a
simpler way I'm missing. If the Jython route is recommended, any
links would be great.

You could set up your Python modules as services:

1. Web service on Tomcat?
2. Simple CGI script that returns data in XML format. This can be accessed from Flex using HTTPService.

You could also try wrapping your Python module into Java using Jython, and then access it using RemoteObject from Flex. I'd go for the service way (HTTPService to keep it simple).

Flex can also send data to your Python module via the CGI script in XML format (using HTTP POST?) or as URL parameters (HTTP GET).


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