Could be because this tag is not closed.

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="" columnName=""
editable="false" width="50" >

--- In, "Allen Manning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <> 
> Hello Flexcoders,
> I'm getting some strange errors after I have started developing on a
> project that I haven't touched in a while. MXML which worked 
> now throws errors. I'm going to look into the log to see if I can 
> anything... TIA
> This valid MXML : 
> ...
> <mx:DataGrid id="dgItems" width="100%" height="100%"
> dataProvider="{liveOrders.items}" multipleSelection="true"
> change="setSelectedItem(dgItems.selectedItem)" 
> <mx:columns>
> <mx:Array>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="" columnName=""
> editable="false" width="50" >
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Order Id"
> columnName="orderNumber" width="60" textAlign="center"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Order Label"
> columnName="orderLabel"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Updated"
> columnName="dateUpdated"
> labelFunction="dateUpdatedLabelFunction"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Company Name"
> columnName="companyName"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Started"
> columnName="dateOrderStarted"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Status"
> columnName="status"
> labelFunction="orderStatusLabelFunction"/>
> </mx:Array>
> </mx:columns>
> </mx:DataGrid>
> ...
> Throws this error:
> Property elements may not have attributes 
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Allen
> Allen Manning, Technical Director
> Certified Flex Instructor 
> Prismix Ltd t: +44 (0)870 749 1100 f: +44 (0)870 749 1200 w: 
> <>

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