I’m not sure why you want the idto be the same as the class name.  It may not work as you want (having ids the same as a class name can lead to weird conflicts).  What you’d want to do is after creation give your parentDocument a property with the name as your class.




From: bhaq1972 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:01 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] childDescriptors array/ UIObjectDescriptors.id is undefined


As i understand things the childDescriptors array (an array of
UIObjectDescriptors) is created/populated when you create the mxml.
When i do this

<myCustomComponent id="myCustomComponent">

the id property of the UIObjectDescriptor is 'myCustomComponent'.
which is correct.

Is there a way i can force the id to be the className (ie
myCustomComponent in this case)

I tried 'id = className' in the constructor of myBox (which extends
a mx:Box class).....the base container of myCustomComponent i.e.



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