Thank you Dimitrios, thank you so much!
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Dimitrios Gianninas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2005 11:06
Assunto: RE: [flexcoders] Doubts with remote objects

You problem lies with the fact that the function you use to execute the remote call is the same onethat handles the result. You should have one function make the call and another one to handle it. Changes in red below.
<mx:RemoteObject id="temposCFC"
source="weiler.intranet.components.controleTempos" showBusyCursor="true">
      <mx:method name="getDesenho" result="handleResult(event.result)"
fault="handleError(event.fault)" />
function gDesenho(){
function handleResult( event ) {
    // do something
function handleError( event) {
    // do something

Jimmy Gianninas
Software Developer - Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Kleber Voigt - Gmail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 9:00 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Doubts with remote objects

Hello again,

I make an app that populate an datagrid with data from a remote object, the
data is loaded perfectly, but the function enter in a infinite loop. Looking
in the debbuger, I see the RPC are call and  work, and work, and work,
forever and ever :(

I'd try use a webservice to this, but the performance is very slow.

Where is my error? Anyone can explain how to use remote objects in flex with


Kleber Voigt

<mx:Script source="../com/" />
<mx:RemoteObject id="temposCFC"
source="weiler.intranet.components.controleTempos" showBusyCursor="true">
      <mx:method name="getDesenho" result="gDesenho(event.result)"
fault="gDesenho(event.fault)" />

<mx:DataGrid id="dg_desenhos" width="100%" height="100%"
dataProvider="{temposCFC.getDesenho.result}" load="gDesenho()" >
                  <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="DESENHO" headerText="Desenho"/>
                  <mx:DataGridColumn columnName="DESCRICAO" headerText="Descrição"/>
                  <mx:DataGridColumn width="70" columnName="USINAGEM"
                  <mx:DataGridColumn width="70" columnName="MONTAGEM"
                  <mx:DataGridColumn width="70" columnName="TOTAL" headerText="Total"/>

function gDesenho(){


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