I implemented the Google WebService in Flex. Works fine. I now want to
snoop in the returned results. I'm having a very difficult time
extracting the XML payload.

My service:
<mx:WebService id="ws wsdl="http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl";>

<mx:operation name="doGoogleSearch">

// ...



The query:
<mx:TextInput id="query" width="400"/>
<mx:Button label="Search" click="ws.doGoogleSearch.send()"/>

According to a Macromedia technote this should work:

<mx:TextArea id="theDump" text="{ws.doGoogleSearch.result}" />

Nope. Instead it produces this:
[object Object]


So I tried:
<mx:TextArea id="theDump"
text="{ws.doGoogleSearch.result.resultElements}" />

[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object
Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object
Object],[object Object],[object Object]

Huh? Again.

What am I missing here?


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