thank's peter,
sorry but i have had problem with mail mail server :-(

Peter Farland ha scritto:

Hi Devis,

I thought I answered this question for you on Monday?

-----Original Message----- From: Peter Farland Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 10:15 AM To: Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Servlet Session

I'd suggest you don't use the session servlet in Flex 1.5. Instead, I'd just 
write a normal plain old java object façade that calls the thread-local static 
helpers on flashgateway.Gateway

public static HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest()
public static HttpServletResponse getHttpResponse()
public static ServletConfig getServletConfig()

You can get access to the current session from the HttpRequest.

HttpSession session = flashgateway.Gateway.getHttpRequest().getSession(true);



Anyway, here's some more detailed instructions:

1. Write some RemoteObject service as a Java class:


package sample.session;

import flex.messaging.HttpContext;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

* A sample Remoting Service that gets and sets * attributes from the current session...
public class Session
public Session()

public Object getSessionObject(String name)
HttpSession session = HttpContext.getHttpRequest().getSession(true);
return session.getAttribute(name);

public void setSessionObject(String name, Object o)
HttpSession session = HttpContext.getHttpRequest().getSession(true);
session.setAttribute(name, o);


2. Then add this to your remote-objects whitelist in flex-config.xml:

<object name="mySessionService">
<!-- <use-custom-authentication>false</use-custom-authentication> -->

3. Then change your mx:RemoteObject tag to use this named service:

<mx:RemoteObject id="sessionService" named="mySessionService"/>

(Also add fault and result handlers!!)

4. Update your script to use this new RemoteObject by id "sessionService".

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