Guys…the problem with my input is it’s coming in from the RSS feed like this:  “JPMorgan’s Vice President blah blah blah” as the title of the article and when I set that title string to the value of the mx:Link labels’ value, it the title ends up looking like “JPMorgan's Vice President blah blah blah”  Why is this happening?  I’m getting the apostrophe unencoded from the feed but the label attribute of the mx:Link component is encoding it.  I haven’t tried reversing this process…maybe I’ll go try that to first encode the titles coming from the feed and then passing the encoded string to the label attribute.  But from what you guys are saying, that won’t work either.  I don’t understand how the label aatribute of the mx:Link component is encoding the string…I’m not asking it to…shouldn’t it just display exactly what I’m sending it? Bizarre.


From: Manish Jethani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] mx:Link component


JesterXL wrote:
> It's because the Link component's labelis not html enabled.

Why, this seems to work fine for me:

  <mx:Link id="link" />
  <mx:Button label="Set Link Label" click="setLinkLabel()" />
    function setLinkLabel()
       link.label = "Manish&apos;s link";

I think the problem is somewhere else.

Christophe's blog reader example uses resultFormat="object" (default),
which doesn't seem to have this problem.



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